April is one of the busiest months of the year in the garden. There are seeds to be sown, lawns to be moved, shrubs to be pruned, vegetables to be sown, plants to be feed.
Things to do:
- Cut your grass. Your lawn will require regular mowing from now on. Keep the blades of your lawnmower high for the first few cuts.
- Feed your lawn with a good lawn feed, weed and mosskiller
- Re-seed any bald patches in your lawn
- Pot up young seedlings
- Sow your vegetable garden if you haven’t already done so. Potatoes, leeks, summer cabbage, turnips, parsnips and lettuce can be planted outdoors
- Start hardening off bedding plants
- Fertilize Roses. You can also begin spraying roses for pests and diseases
- Control pests and diseases especially slugs and snails
- Feed plants in your garden using a slow-release fertiliser